months in the state penal farm at Vandalia after pleading guilty to a morals charge involving a 17 year old boy.

Saul Landau, a social worker at San Francisco General Hospital was fired, he says, because he sponsored the showing of the Jean Genet movie based on Our Lady of the Flowers, "Un Chant d'Amour." The film was confiscated but charges against the film were dropped. It is reported that when anyone attempted to show the film, the S.F. health officials visited them and found reasons for closing down the building in which the film was shown.

In Sweden a new style for men was televised: painted lips, powdered faces and waved hair and bows in the hair. 75% of girls asked, approved the style.


The Daily Mail (London) of October 21 article "The Law and The Homosexual" by Monica Furlong contained the following. "So far, no doctor has ever been able to diagnose homosexuality by physical examination." Another profound fear is that homosexuals are corrupters of young boys yet here again it seems that ignorance has betrayed us and the majority of homosexuals, like the majority of heterosexual men would prefer a relationship with an adult." "The Book of Leviticus, which was so harsh in its judgment on homosexuals, also suggested that those who committed adultery ought to be stoned-a practice which no one but a barbarian would advocate today. And, of course, many homosexuals never practice sodomy." Referring to the appalling practice of aversion treatment, "What baffles me is that people do not consider this process in-

finitely more immoral, more damaging to everyone who takes part in it, than the condition it sets out to cure. That brainwashing, as a treatment can be seriously entertained suggests how unhealthy and unbalanced our thinking on this whole subject has become. It is clear that we need not only new laws but also a whole new climate of thought and understanding." Antony Grey, of the Homosexual Law Reform Society is quoted in the article.

The London Sunday Times Magazine (October 4), in "Portrait Gallery," by Francis Wyndham with photographs by Duffy, includes Danny LaRue, female impersonator. In The People, August 16, was "Polluted" a report by Michael Knight on the "evil" of Trafalgar Square, where homosexuals cruise. Although he professes to fear for homosexuals who might get robbed and blackmailed, Knight is probably trying to get publicity. He should read the following:


The UCLA Daily Bruin reports that the Rev. Frederick G. Wood, of Goucher College, told his congregation that "Sexuality itself is good. There is nothing bad or dirty or perverted about it." Laurie Harris, Bruin staff reporter quotes Rev. Wood as saying "And this means that there are no laws attached to sex. I repeat-absolutely no laws." When asked to comment on the words of Rev. Wood, pastors who compose the University Christian Mission said, "So what else is new!"


Dew vs. Halaby (Tangents, July '63) has been settled out of court. Dew has been reinstated in his former job as an air control file clerk at $7,070 a year plus back